Such a sad day at our home. My sweet William died today. I raised him from a puppy and he made such a outstanding hound. His pups are making a name for him all over. It seems like everytime you get a good hound something happened to them. We still have a few males off of him to carry on. He got out of his pen last week and I called him and when he came out of the woods he saw me and ran so fast to get to me. We will really miss him.
Mr. Haskell sorry to hear about the loss.We hav recently aquired a couple of pups off William that look very promising,was looking forward to a few more. Maybe one of our males will b close to what he was. Im proud to say i was present at the Flora-Bama when he made champion, he was a nice hound that was starting to show as a producer as well. Thats a true champion, one that can produce as well as compete n field trials.
Sorry to hear that he passed.. I read a post yesterday that said he wasn't doing too good and had hoped for a better outcome. I never got to see him run but I have two males out of him I got from Claude Hinton that is turning in to some great hounds, so I can only imagine what he ran like.