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Update of wife/pregnancy

As you may remember from a previous post, my wife will be delivering in Houston at the Texas Children's Hospital. Just wanted to give an update. At our last fetal ecko appointment the dr gave us some good news, but also some more potentially bad/worse news. The VSD (hole) in the lower chambers had gotten smaller and wasn't as big of a concern now. The Dr said that if that was all that he had they'd send him home and see if it would grow closed on it's own. The Mytrial valve had appeared to be small before, but now it is looking normal sized. Both good news. However he is still almost certain the coarctation (narrowing) of the aorta is still there. That can be fixed with surgery where they don't have to put the baby on the bypass machine. The new/potentially worse news was in the transverse arch, which is the very top of the Aorta where the coratid arteries are. The Dr said that it looked borderline narrow and would have to be looked at after the baby was born. If it is in fact narrow and causes the baby problems, they would have to do full blown open heart surgery on the baby and completely reconstruct the arch. I am asking for continued prayers as we go this week to Houston. They will be inducing my wife into labor Wednesday morning and Caston Beck Bonner will come into the world. I appreciate all the prayers so far, you don't know how much they have helped our family.

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

You are All in our thoughts & prayers. Thanks for the update.
I had been wondering how everything was going.

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Your family is in our prayers , may God bless you all

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy


Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Praying for you and your family. God is still in the healing business!

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Will be praying for your family.

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Prayers from Alabama.

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Prayers sent....

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Prayers go out to you and your family.

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Thanks for the update. Will continue to pray!! We serve a great big God with no limitatins!!!!

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy


Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Just wanted to Thank everybody for the prayers, kind words, text messages, etc.... They have helped so much.

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Praying for your family.

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

We're still praying for your family

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

I am praying for you and your family. Stay strong and everything will be okay. I have faith in The Lord that he will take care of y'all.

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Thanks for all the prayers so far. We checked in at 5am and just now got into a Labor&Delivery room at noon. Lots of people having babies in Houston. Dr is on her way to start IV inducement now. Things are about to pick up

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

You are in our thoughts and prayers

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

David hope everything goes well and all are doing great.

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

david, hope everything is going well. our prayers are with you and family.

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Keeping y'all in my prayers!!! God bless!!!

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Water broke at 4:20. All we are doing is waiting now

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Praying that all is well for you & your family Bonner.

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Hopeing everything is going well, all the way from NC

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Y'all are in our prayers from the Golman family

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

you have been on my churches prayer list since we first talk a few months back.i gave a update tonight. still on list!

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Caston Beck Bonner was born at 10:11pm. He was 21 and 1/2 inches long weighing in at 8lbs and 9oz. He is in the NICU at Texas Children's Hospital and the next 72 hours will be very critical. That is the timeframe when the cardiologists will start to pick up on the signs of the coarctation. He is a beautiful baby boy (takes after his momma) and is going to be a fighter. He has already given the nurses fits about his IV. Thanks for the continued prayers. Momma did fine and is resting well now

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Thinking About You & Family

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

hey David congratulation on your new son ,we r praying that everything will go well with him.

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Been in the NICU all day. Caston does in fact have the VSD and the coarctation. The cardiologists came by and gave us all the info. He is on a drug that has him stable and comfortable. They will decide on Monday when to do the surgery next week. Pleases continue to pray and thanks!

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Congratulations on your new baby boy! We are sending up lots of prayers for him and your entire family. Our God is truly an awesome God and hold tight to the promise that He will never leave nor forsake you. He's going to take great care of that sweet little boy of yours! God bless you all and praying for his doctors and nurses too!

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Not making light of our situation at all, but sometimes we as humans can get so caught up in our own lives we can forget about others. What our little boy is facing is completely fixable. Under the right surgeon's hands he can be fixed in about 2-4 hours. I met a man today in the NICU. His son was born yesterday about 6 weeks premature. The left side of his heart isn't developed and all the arteries go into one side of his heart instead of where they are supposed to go. The doctors are going to have to try to reconstruct the heart as best as they can. If that isn't successful he will have to go on a transplant list. So just remember that no matter how bad we think we have it, there is someone out there dealing with far worse than we are.

Thanks so much for the prayers. I have been given a peace I've never felt before through all of this and I know you folks have had a hand in it.

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Congrats on your Lil boy prayers or sent also will be praying for the other baby leave it in gods hands and all will be well

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Well said David may GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.We will be praying for yall.

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

COngrulations David will be praying for ya'll, sounds like you got a new huntin buddy

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Keep the Faith Brother! God takes care of his Own !

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy


Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Congratulations David and family!!! David, you put this entiresituation in God's hands and it appears He has not let you down. I know you have lots of things to go through yet but as you said earlier, it is all fixable and you should be commended for the way your faith in God has shown throughout this whole thing. I will certainly continue to pray for all of you and as you can see, you have many other friends doing the same thing. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!! GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE!!!

Re: Update of wife/pregnancy

Caston had an uneventful night last night and is resting good. He gets a little fussy at times but they aren't feeding him until after the surgery. I completely understand his pain. He is getting nutrients through the IV though and hasn't lost much weight. That is a good thing for the surgery's sake.