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National Junior Results June 6-8, 2013

What a great time had by all. National Junior June 6-8. 381 dogs and 139 kids.

Check out the results and hundreds of pictures on our new website, njfha.weebly.com
We are also on FaceBook (National Junior Fox Hunters Association) and Twitter (NJFHA).

Information on Upcoming Hunts and our new Scholarship program can be found on the website.

Questions and comments can be sent to NationalJuniorfoxhunt@gmail.com

National Junior FHA 2013
June 7 & 8, 2013
All Age
Place Dog # Name Owner Town, State
1 501 Jakes Mrs Red Hemp Creek Knls Jake Chevallier Jena, LA
2 521 Fuzzy Morgan Noles Jessieville, AR
3 245 Rowton's Fast Molly Ethan Sutton, Eli Rowton, Clay Slick Hot Springs, AR
4 215 Snow Joel Carder
5 914 Cauliflower Lake Ouachita Knls Pups Jessieville, AR
6 516 Sugar KK & Kelly Catin Jonesboro, LA
7 405 Buttermilk Bailey & Skyler Blair Perryville, AR
8 537 Rock Ethan Meredith Jessieville, AR
9 212 J.E.D.'s Sport Me Some Ethan Koontz
10 345 Ratchet Kyzer Kids Benton, AR
11 901 Brownie Girl Katie Osborn & Samantha Robertson Jessieville, AR
12 223 Smiley Joel Carder
13 431 Bubba Linnea & Isabella Thompson Locksburg, AR
14 977 Triple H Bam's Kids Waldron, AR
15 991 Junior Katie Osborn & Samantha Robertson Jessieville, AR
16 210 J.E.D.'s Patti Sue Ethan Koontz
17 347 Mabel Kyzer Kids Benton, AR
18 921 Slinky Mason Turner Colye, LA
19 377 DJ Linnea & Isabella Thompson Locksburg, AR
20 351 Meeks Josie Luke Dodd
21 777 Smiley Jason Carter Sheridan, AR
22 300 Meeks Chimes Luke Dodd
23 251 Snow Bird Keaton Brown
24 301 Louyise Ann Kaylee Harrison Hope, AR
25 711 Ike Linnea & Isabella Thompson Locksburg, AR
26 517 J.E.D.'s Copperrod Ethan Koontz
27 477 Pritchards Tuffy Hemp Creek Knls Jake Chevallier Jena, LA
28 209 Redbug Harlee & JW Ausmus Mid Way, AR
29 611 TDH Black Sparrow Daxton & Gracie Robertson
30 412 Bratton's Blk Dog Hope & Faith Bratton, Kristin Kizer
31 539 Boots Ethan Meredith Jessieville, AR
32 336 Bratton Derek Jaden Nukom & Blake Gilbert
33 701 OTB's Rowdy Haley Kidd Hope, AR
34 779 Harris' Topper Harris Kids Benton, AR
35 291 L'L C Hog Wild Kids
36 341 Bubbles Linnea & Isabella Thompson Locksburg, AR
37 414 Bratton's Jericho Hope & Faith Bratton, Kristin Kizer
38 645 JR Joel Crader
39 460 Lil Bit Morgan Noles Jessieville, AR
40 417 Mid South Josie M & K/Mid South Knl Glenwood, AR

National Junior FHA 2013
June 7 & 8, 2013
Dog # Name Owner Town, State
1 40 K's Pepper Ethan Kontz Nashville, AR
2 16 Scott's Ring Ellie Sharp Buckville, AR
3 27 Julie KK & Kellie Lasty Jonesboro, LA
4 191 Pritchards Queenie Hemp Creek Knl Jake Chevallier Jena, LA
5 29 Buckshot Bailey & Skyler Blair Perryville, AR
6 5 Butterfly Lake Ouachita Knl & Pups Jessieville, AR
7 44 Bat Boy Got It & Gone Knls
8 7 TDH Black Dandy Daxton & Gracie Robertson
9 120 Brown Dog Collins Boatright
10 13 Sugar Pie Katie Osborn & Samantha Robertson Jessieville, AR
11 33 Stone's Jukebox Ella Housten & Adrianna Stone, Josh Lee Perryville, AR
12 92 Flexbone Harris Kids
13 31 Ariel Morgan Noles Jessieville, AR
14 18 Chase Hog Wild Kids
15 89 Cool Breeze Got It & Gone Knls
16 69 Breezy Got It & Gone Knls
17 98 Smoke KK & Kellie Lasty Jonesboro, LA
18 9 M & K/Mid South Cheyene M & K/Mid South knl Glenwood, AR
19 41 TDH Black Andy Daxton & Gracie Robertson
20 61 Two Faced Lake Ouachita Knl & Pups Jessieville, AR
21 26 Twist KK & Kellie Lasty Jonesboro, LA
22 117 Elrod Ethan Meredith Jessieville, AR
23 107 Black Bridle Harlee & JW Ausmus Midway, AR
24 75 Ratlips Lake Ouachita Knl & Pups Jessieville, AR
25 151 Falcon Bam's Kids Waldron, AR
26 176 Hartwich's Squeek Justin Hartwick Greenbrier, AR
27 116 S & H Goofette Braden Huff Mt Pine, AR
28 171 Amber Lillie & Landon McEarl Jessieville, AR
29 190 Playboy Hog Wild Kids
30 80 Speck Collins Boatright
31 193 Little G Four L Knls Sheridan, AR
32 154 Alfie Ethan Meredith Jessieville, AR
33 25 Jerry Linnea & Isabelle Thompson Locksburg, AR
34 62 MPH Mindy MPH Kids (Powell) Waldron, AR
35 24 Charcole KK & Kellie Lasty Jonesboro, LA
36 99 Dog #2 Phoebe Welker & Aiden McEwen Perryville, AR
37 3 Red Lady Hope & Faith Braton, Kirstin Fizer Jessieville, AR
38 60 Money in the Bank Lake Ouachita Knl & Pups Jessieville, AR
39 20 Red Gal Hope & Faith Braton, Kirstin Fizer Jessieville, AR
40 47 Digger Hog Wild Kids

Re: National Junior Results June 6-8, 2013

I wanted to thank everyone who was responsable for putting on and helping with the preparation of the hunt. And a special thanks to Purina for the donations! Can't wait till next year!
3rd 17th 21st 35th in the Derby and 6th in All Age belong to KK & Kallie Caskey! It was miss printed but its ok especially with the number of entries y'all had.

Re: National Junior Results June 6-8, 2013

What's the breeding on the winners ?

Re: National Junior Results June 6-8, 2013

What's the breeding on the winners ?

Re: National Junior Results June 6-8, 2013
