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Results puppy hunt

Thanks eveyone for coming.
1st 747 senator webbs big show x bck crystal light 747 kennels
2nd 747 crockett big creek james x ladners ginger 747 kennels
3rd dustins sport big l ace x parkers crazy red creek kennels
4th 747 glamour big creek james x ladners ginger 747 kennels
5th #14 larrys bart hale x hoss rs fortune austin and hoss ladner
6th 747 robin desotos nemo x beals blondie 747 kennels
7th 747 stubby webbs big show x bck crystal light 747 kennels
8th #18 bobbettes big thunder x hoss dea jay austin and hoss ladner
9th #65 kearbys crook ll x 747 twist h & h kennels
10th #10 larrys bart hale x hoss lil peg

Re: Results puppy hunt

Congrats to Mr BJ and the rest of the 747 crew on yall win and placing yesterday and thanks to Kyle and all the judges for a good hunt can't wait until the next one. And congrats to everyone else that placed.

Re: Results puppy hunt

congrats 747 on your win & placing & to all else who placed
b-town / p.s. give the old gyps a rub for me