
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Results of running L

1st- 19 805 PTS Travis Rone

2nd- 2 775 PTS Blake lueke
3rd - 0 615 PTS Blake lueke

4th - 4 595 PTS Munk sulivan

5th-6 565 PTS REX mooreland
6th-10 560 PTS Munk sulivan
7th-24 530 PTS REX Mooreland

8th-20 475 PTS Blake lueke
9th-8 465 PTS kreguar boys
10th-96 455 PTS brain smith

I want to think everyone that came an ran hound an judge
It was a good hunt had wall to wall running an lots of good pups .
Thanks .
June 22nd il federation hunt at the running L don't miss it should be a good one !