Has anybody had any trouble with the GPS antennas cracking or breaking completely off of TT 10 collars. I have had one that the whole top of the antenna broke off, 2 with the corners broke off, and one with a crack in it. Four out of eight with the same problem is not a coincidence. If anyone has had this happen has Garmin taken care of the problem for you. They are not wanting to warranty mine. They are trying to tell me it is physical damage. To me it is a defect in the product. I have had all of these collars for less than 10 months. Please if you are having a problem with yours please call Garmin so they know that I am not the only person having this problem. They have in the past been very helpful in taking care of problems, but now they are not wanting to warranty a problem that I see is going to happen to all of my collars. Thanks to anyone that can help. Matt
Matt it is basic physics,the faster an object hits something its likely to result in more damage. The solution to your "problem" is you and Benji need slower hounds....PLEASE! Give me a call I can fix you up.
I have experienced the same problem with other customers. it seems to be caused by weeds or grass getting caught between the GPS antenna and its base as the dog is running. This causes a hard jolt to the plastic resulting in cracking or breaking of the TT 10 plastic. I am having trouble getting Garmin to cover it under warranty too. Anyone who may be affected by this now or in the future needs to call Garmin and complain(ask that they document your complaint so that the engineers find out about the problem). This is a defect, not the fault of the owner. Garmins number is 800-800-1020 dial 25 after you reach the recording and it will take you to the dog related department.
Ray, I would think that Garmin would want their products to be able to with stand the pressure from a faster superior breed. I would think they would want that because of the greater number of walker dogs in the world. LOL. This would cut way down on repair issues. LOL. But if I decide to go with dogs that will not be to fast for my collars I will keep you in mind. But I really do need some help in getting these collars fixed. I can see it being a problem for all hunters with their collars. If I thought it was just a freak deal I wouldn't be working so hard to find a solution. But 4 out 8 collars missed up that are 9 months old sounds like a defect to me. Later Matt
slow down a bit here so this walker guy can tell his story... haha Matt yes i have had the same problem. a couple of my 12 have broken just like you talk about. i thought at first that it was barb wire fence when they were going thru or under but i had one break in the pen the other day. called garmin and its gonna be i think 79 bucks or some crap to fix it. she said "you get a whole new collar for 79 dollars" i said "lady this is the second time i have ran one of these collars that broke, you think its worth 40 dollars a run to have a garmin???" needless to say they are not going to warranty it. not sure what to do exactly but one that broke a couple weeks ago i duct taped it and ran it cause i needed the collar and i never had a lick of trouble out of it... so in a pinch a little duct tape works but i do need to get them fixed asap.
Hey Matt I hope Garmin makes it good with you on the collars. Me and Cory are going to get some before long and I was leaning toward the Alpha but if all I can expect to get is 9 to 10 months out of the collars then I'm going to go a different route. I wonder if Garmin realizes how much business they stand to lose if they won't stand behind their product. Hey I just wanted to congratulate you and Benji on the last hunt. Man sounds like yall had them ready. We'll be talking to you, have a good one. God Bless, Jon
Not sure what a TT 10 Collar is but I put bike tire intertube on my DC40s much like you would see on a Johnson Tracking Collar. Seems to keep all that trash and weeds from getting wound around the antenna. Most of my collars are around 2 years old and have not had any trouble with antennas. Changed one because a dog chewed on it but thats it.
Jarrod, These are breaking up on the GPS antenna. Unlike the DC 30's that has a metal bracket that wraps up over the edges, the TT 10's are all plastic and can not take the grass and stuff like the 30's. I hope we get things lined out here soon. Matt
Matt. I kept breaking the antennas on my 40s and started duct taping them all from the box to the tie wrap on the antenna and it fixed the problem-- just got thee tt10 s and am going to try it on them also
Ray, The regular antenna I think will be ok because it runs through the collar a lot further than on the 40's. I think I am going to start putting tape around the edges of GPS antennas to try and keep it from cracking the corners. Later Matt.
Well, I sure am glad I took a few minutes today to goof off during lunch and check this message board. I was about to order a new Alpha and 10 TT10's. Needless to say, I'm not going to invest $3000+ in a system that will likely last me less than a year. I'll stick with the beep-beep's and tritronics!
The 320 & DC-40's work well...if you don't need the "electrical stimulation" part of the "TT" collars.
Have had mine a while now & no problems so far...other than interference at a trial where there are hundreds of others too! But even then when you get fairly close...you can get right on top of him.
The Alpha system & TT collars are nice, but too dang expensive for a retired ol' man like me!
I still think that the alpha is the best thing there is in a tracking system. There is just a little defect in the new collars that I am confedent they will fix. I do not ever want to rely on the beep beeps anymore. Matt
i tell ya matt, i dont think i could go back to a 320 after this alpha!! the touch screen is just SOOO user friendly. so what did you do to get garmin to fix the collar you sent in?