thanks to everyone who came and thanks to all the judges who came and helped ,here are the top 10
1st #14 dealer (bw shine x prevost cheetah) 1245 pts coyell knls
2nd #3 oprah winfrey (bw shine x prevost cheetah)1080 pts coyell knls
3rd #9 lil rock (bw shine x coyells annie) 980 pts coyell knls
4th #12 swiper (bull x unknown)920 pts buzzard roost knls
5th #17 rockin c precilla (crowder x rockin c Delilah)875pts rockin c knls
6th #0 rockin c elvis (crowder x rockin c Delilah)855 pts rockin c knls
7th #6 night train (bw shine X colyells annie) 775 pts blew by u knls
8th #61 amtrax (bw shine x prevost cheetah) 715 pts blew by u knls
9th #16 showoff ( ammo x penny )610 pts blew by u knls
10th #2 cry baby ( bull x unknown)565 pts buzzard roost knls
feel free to correct any mistakes and thanks again to all who participated