6 hour derby hunt - Cast @4:00 a.m.- $75.00 entry fee
$l000.00 pay out to 1st place guaranteed
August 10,2013 for numbers or more information
call Flip McGee @662-552-8333
I hunt there almost every week. The pen has some open woods and some thick spots. It has a good mixture. There is plenty of game. Coyotes and grey fox. I think the pen is about 170 acres. It is one of the best pens around. I judged the last hunt there and I got 25 or 27 crossings. Me. Flip takes good care of the game and there is plenty of game.
Thanks to all of the hunters and a special thanks to the judges.
1st: Mountain Top June Mountain Top Joe Simmons Zena Mountain Top Knls.
2nd. White's Sue Woods Smokey Moodys Daisy Wayne White
3rd. 747S Peanut Cottons Rawhide Bonds Sandy 747 Kennels
4th. Mtn.Top Gennie Mtn. Top Joe Mtn.Top Fly Mountain Top Knls.
5th. Mtn. Top Lexus Mtn. Top Joe Pinedale Juice B Mtn. Top Knls.
6th. 747S Rocket Desoto's Red 70 747 Flirt 747 Kennels
7th. Mtn.Top Joe Kool Mtn. Top Joe Mtn.Top Whirlwn. Mtn. Top Knls.
8th. James' Pooh Triple J Black Unkown J. Edwards and M. Chancellor
9th. Unknown Unknown Unknown Slow and Easy Knls.
10th. Pinedale Snitch B P'Dale Swiper B Debose Kate Pinedale Kennels
I enjoyed judging the hunt yesterday. Congratulations to all the winners. Thanks to the pen owners for having these hunts. Thanks to the hound owners for participating. Mr. Flip will be having an all age hunt in October. Congrats to the Hall family. Y'all have been tough to beat. Again thanks to all.