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Snake bite treatment

Had a gyp get bit Sunday am in the inside of her thigh, wound has drained and now the skin has started dying bout the size of a golf ball. We have gave her antibiotics , dex , and flushed it with peroxide daily . The wound has been getting bigger. Any suggestions on treatment. Thanx

Re: Snake bite treatment

They tell me just once with peroxide on any wound it will keep it from healing if you contue to use it go to triple antibiotics

Re: Snake bite treatment

Pack it with meat tenderizer ,it's all salt , may stig for a bit but will heel from the inside out

Re: Snake bite treatment

powdered alum will pull the poison out and heal it. you can get it at any grocery store

Re: Snake bite treatment

had bunches snake bit I usually do nothing, but little anti biotics wont hurt doxcyclene would be the best penetrates deeper into the wound

Re: Snake bite treatment

vet told me benedry and dex and keep it cleaned out and it worked.