
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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The Arkansas Dog Hunters Association has made it our mission to protect the rights of dog hunters of all game breeds. We are striving to maintain our heritage of dog hunting in Arkansas, but will reach out to other dog associations that may need a helping hand.
We had a legal membership form drawn up when signed it gives us the ability to transfer to a petition on short notice. I hope all dog hunters associations will follow this form layout. This style of petitioning will give us the ability to meet the speedy political process head on.
We can also transfer our petition signatures to a US wide petition when challenged by a fed anti dog group such as PETA or HSUS.
Please join your local dog hunter groups in what ever state you live in and ask them to follow this petition format.
United We Stand And Together We Hunt!!

Re: Arkansas Dog Hunters


Re: Arkansas Dog Hunters


Re: Arkansas Dog Hunters
