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woodstock brood gyps

Anybody have a brood gyp straight off woodstock they would sell or lease.

Re: woodstock brood gyps

I would think that it will be hard to find one strait off Woodstook..but I have some grand pup gyps off him.. I also have a tight doulble cross of Woodstock male that I am breeding gyps to... You are welcome to call me if you are interrested ...850-698-8345

Re: woodstock brood gyps

Marcel, there could be a few, as i have a gyp straight off of Woodstock that i bought this yr that is 8 yrs old. You are right, there cant be many left. Wayne

Re: woodstock brood gyps

they are few and far between the females left off of him. you could contact haskill spires and he would know. he has some grandpups. I lost my last female a few years back.

Re: woodstock brood gyps

haskell said the only ones he knows of aint for sale