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Runnin r lil Laura

Does anyone know what ever happened to this gyp? I know she has to be dead now but I haven't seen her in any pedegrees. She had 1 heck of a field trial record back in the mid 90s. Just wondering.....

Re: Runnin r lil Laura

I'm positive she died at Don Ross' house.
Never heard if he ever bred her or not....I don't think so , or I'd have heard.

And you're right...she had a heck of a record.
She actually had a front toe cut off...THEN started most of her winning.

Re: Runnin r lil Laura

Thank you mr Cranford I've been wondering about that gyp for a long time. I'm sure you are right. I always keep up with good gyps to see how they produce. She was one that just faded away I guess. She did her winning back when hunts were big. I wonder how hounds like her would do in these lil 100 dog hunts we have now.....