I got a gyp I 3 day with that gets real stiff in rear after 1st day. She runs great the first day then next morning she can't move her rear legs good till she loosens up. Now the hunt is over she can't walk. I would not think of a a asking for help to she if something can be done or given to her to help but she is a field champion and want to hunt her more. Thanks for any help y'all can give.
Had a young dog that would appear fine go hunting and the next day couldn't get around would last for several days. Put her on osteo bi flex daily also gave her 1.5 cc dex every third day for two weeks. I've ran her for a couple of months with no issues. Layed her off for three weeks
Your hound doesn't have a crooked or busted tail does it? If so, that can cause all kinds of structural problems especially in the back that will not allow a dog to motor correctly. When this has happened to any of our hounds in the past we had to put a band (like you use to castrate a calf) below the not or crack on the tail. Then eventually that part of the tail will fall off and your dog will be back to good working condition immediately.
Your hound may have a bad disc in her back.My wife has a dog that has one in her neck.Vet treated it with prednisone and complete rest.Took care of her problem but she's not a running hound either.Good luck!