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Young hounds for sale

1st two black brindle males desotos rock solid x everrts blaze whelped 5-27-12
2nd red male desoto red 70 x slades 3 dot whelped 6-2-12
3rd Lemmon/white male valentines black dog x hoovers showgirl whelped 7-28-12
4th bwt male masons superman x part times hot wire whelped 7-16-11

Re: Young hounds for sale

These are real good young hounds , run with John weekly , tried to get him to 2 and 3 day them , but he likes to puppy hunt . Big Jim

Re: Young hounds for sale

You can call or text (985)969-4698 if intrested.

Re: Young hounds for sale

Dogs 2 & 4 are sold. Going out of town for awhile. Need to sale the others ASAP. $300 each for tha black brindles off of rock solid. $200 for tha dog off of valentines black dog.