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Young Male Hound- for sale ( Triple J. Coon ex Willow oak Sister)

Young Male Hound- whelped June 8. 2012, Chase LE# 217458
Triple J. Coon
Willow Oak Sister
Hard Running, Heavy Mouth, Black & White, Don't Cripple, Always Ready!

$250 call:334-298-9909

East Central Alabama

Re: Young Male Hound- for sale ( Triple J. Coon ex Willow oak Sister)

Thanks to the one's thats look, this is by no means a cull type young hound. He is not cripple or crazy but will run your game. I took this brood gyp along with another that belong to Mr. George Rogero to Mr. Clyde Ely's kennel last year and bred them to Triple J Coon, raised four from this cross, all males, all bark alike, I recently sold one and plan to kept two. My Grand-Daughter and Grand-Son has named and claims them.
Just thought someone may want to try this stock of breeding.

Re: Young Male Hound- for sale ( Triple J. Coon ex Willow oak Sister)

What is Willow Oak sister off of?

Re: Young Male Hound- for sale ( Triple J. Coon ex Willow oak Sister)

Sister is off Willow Oak Jumper
Carr's Liver
Jerry Martin has a hound off Sister, I think he calls Handsome Jack
Sister was run in the Sandsifter in her younger days, If you know Sky Scott he or Jerry can tell you more about Sister
Johnathn Blakley has her now and runs her regular.

Re: Young Male Hound- for sale ( Triple J. Coon ex Willow oak Sister)

As Drayton said I have Sister here at the house I got her from him back in the winter and I'm gonna tell you to have some age on her she is a nice old female. Good speed, outstanding mouth, tuff enough, and extra classy, and takes running real well.

I've run her very regular over the last 7 months and she is really nice.

She has 2 crosses of Diceman on the top side and 2 crosses of J&R CJ on the bottom side up close.

She has finally come in season and I've got her bred to Johnny Gray's Pepsi hound. Pepsi is double Primetime bred and double Elder's Missel bred. He had been a nice hound and his first pups look and sound great, so we are hoping for the best, out of him and Sister.

The young hound Drayton has on here for sell is a nice young hound. I've run with all those pups out if Sister and I thought they were all tit for tat. I'm sure this hound would make someone a nice young hound.


Re: Young Male Hound- for sale ( Triple J. Coon ex Willow oak Sister)
