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Young Dogs....

Got a few young males I need to move....Not really set up for males here...

Couple off McCoy's Skipper x Switchcane Lil Bit
Skipper is by Terrebonne's Benji x McCoy's Party Girl
Lil Bit is by Cassidy's Red Pop x Prevost's Casey
Been turned out 1 time....Both went. LE'd in Horn.

1 off Switchcane Ben x Turner's Sally
Ben is by Lakehills Ike x Newell's Happy Feet
Sally is by Butler's Big Thunder x McCoy's Buffy
Also turn out 1 time and went..Big dog 26" 27" tall... LE'd in Horn.

Older Male out of Leblue's Redman x Coco's Bunny
Redman is by Valentine's Fred x Canerday's Diamond
Bunny is by Ponder's Santa x Canerday's Tinker
Danny Morris had his littermate and placed him at Breeder's Cup a few yrs ago....Has been bred to 1 gyp.

Maybe a brood gyp or 2 also.

Can get them to Master's Hunt.

If interested best to text....337-247-3067....Can send complete pedigree's in text....Thanks

Re: Young Dogs....

3 young males are spoken for.....Thanks for all the replies.