We are going have a hunt November 2nd. This will be a 5hr speed & drive for derby dogs. The hunt will be held at Drayton Stillwell's pen in Lumpkin Ga. For anyone who googles Lumpkin, it is the one closer to Lake Eufaula. Entry fee is $60 paying back 65%. There will be scratching for dogs babbling and quitting. I will start giving numbers Aug 31st. John Waugh 850-274-0474 This hunt is to help promote our new website Fox Hunting World for info on how to become a member of the site email 4wfoxdogs@gmail.com
I am out for that ray clark,an his buddy tillman johnson roll on big daddy. I am going to have old Twister in shape just for Tillman looking for great time. nov 2 pipe line derby dog be there. got good game ready for 1st place.
Pen is two miles around, less than 200ac., with all types of terrain, has a freshly mowed 100ft. gas pipe line that runs through the middle and can see most every crossing. Some of the best Fox and Coyote running but what makes it so unique is these little black pigs that got in over 6 months ago. Don't knock-it-till-you-try-it! You will not believe! They will give dogs all they want. SUEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Call me if you need anything, 334-298-9909, Drayton
We sure hope Rodney Swift will be able to make it,process of moving,but the King July man is going to have to reach way back in that Pen. I have got a young JULY gettin him in shape, you are going to wonder where the YELLOW WENT.I need ED BACON to be on gas line He counts how many times I CAST We always have a good time down there, plenty good running.
Mr buddy you got to have him tuned in! The best derby dogs in the country have numbers. This is going to be a true test of the best. Haskell spires and ben hill were headed up there to get in some practice running right now. If any one else wants to go to the pen we are running derby dogs Saturday morning.
yes they will. We have run a lot of hounds in the daytime and have never ran them. From what I understand they are only running at night. I was told when they do run its a better race than a coyote but I don't know. There is plenty of varmints in the pen I don't ever even think about the pigs when I am up there.
Them little Black Bugs will get your attention, not counting all the Fox & Coyotes!
Better look out for Mr. Buddy Tallman, he's shopping around to find that special hound to "take it all" and may have found it. SUEEEEEE!
I got to replace old twister,hes been running for 3rd wk cant catch him I knew he was tough. But Mr.Fiveash told me not to worry come see him next week and he will put me back on the FRONT LINE, look out Tillman an Ray Clark. The proof is in the puffin,you guys bring plenty tolit paper,or crying towels.I hear Ray went to get more power in Andersonville, I got him scared.or sombody has. Fiveash dont let them have my hound.
We are bringing up judges from florida that run deer dogs with us. They have never been in the foxhunting world but they do know how to catch a crossing.
Well I hate to tell you this Mr. Stilwell but I finally caught old Twister so the race is on he loves coyotes,pigs fox, I caught him looking at a deer outside Ed Bacon pen.always some good running an can see plenty crossings,some of these I may not want to see.looking forward to the pipe line, Nov. 2nd. your friend Buddy.
John Mr. stillwell said there might be someone who will be cooking at this hunt at lumpkin, any more info about the menu and which meal. also there is a motel up the road 2or 3 mi,can you get name of and post. thanks Buddy
Super Value Inn- Richland, Georgia-Phone # 229-887-2500- Double Bed Rooms $50 a night, Walking distance to Piggly Wiggle Grocery Store and Dollar General 3 miles from pen. Pen has Big Dog Pen, Plus holding trailor.
I got some advise from Hog Hunter Mr Stilwell he told me to feed old Twister fresh pig neckbones every day and he will love to catch them young pigs.so I guess you will be short a few pigs. I been feeding him 2 times a day that will slow him down some,sure am glad to hear the judges can score on porkie. sse you Fri. Buddy
Well I went down to the pen today, Mr. stilwell sure has got it looking good seen two coyotes on pipe line while I was there.Its going to be a good hunt suppose to get little rain Fri. Anyone missing this hunt will be missing a good hunt. Buddy
I believe that was the first time some of the hunters had run pigs , I know Top Notch kennel had a big time running the pigs over here , they said they will be back to run them , it was fun watching !!!
Jon Blakely won the hunt, Wes mincey took 2nd, top notch kennels was 3rd and drayton stillwell was 4th. Sorry for the delay on getting the official results up guys I am in the middle of a refi-inspection at work. I will try to get them up today.