With the top gun exactly 1 month away I know everyone is getting ready. Any favorites going in? Who's going to make the trip there? Who's going to leave with a sad face??? I'm sure Triple B, crisco/garner and Ronnie Norris are ready and probably will be tough from hunt results I've saw...I'm sure ole Mr west and the rest of the heavy hitters out this way way will make the drive....
Have you been there running? Because I was there sat to a one day hga and thiught the running was real good. Your just another no name idoit that doesn't have **** to hall!
Sounds like he is scared to come I'm here tonite runnin an I ain't got no problem runnin game it's more in the bck now so no u ain't goin here them at gate it hot an dry no rain here so what do u expect .... No it ain't 400 yotes n here nomore but it's some game/runnin... B4 u put a pen dwn how bout u post ur real name an then talk junk but who care I say it take a good 800 or more to win runnin great tonite for me so come get u some an quit puttin the pen down everybody knws how the pen is runnin but u if u cnt run with big dogs stay home with the pups..... C y'all at top gun an happy huntin
I ran the North Carolina Open July 4th weekend and had several hounds a day over 400 S&D a day and several with over 300 S&D. Ran the North Carolina Classic in early August and several dogs had over 500 S&D in a day. I think at both these hunts took about 900 S&D to get in the Top 10 and I know over 1200 to win the Classic. Heard the running at the Virginia-Carolina Classic was not as good. There were only 3 weeks and a 1 day between these last hunts. Smelling conditions had to play a big part in that. Hot, dry, dusty conditions play a big part in the running. I'm pretty optimistic that game situation didn't change that much in 3 weeks and the running will be right if the weather is right.
Pleasure ran there recently and ran in a couple of one days also. Game won't be an issue! It will take a complete, tough hound to win. Good luck to the NC and SC boys!
Heard they had a hunt club hunt there this past Saturday. I know it was still hot and dry there but how was the running? Seem to be getting some much needed rain and cooling off now.
I think if you ask some of the guys from out west they will tell you some of the best running and biggest scores they have seen in a 1000 acre pen has came from Creedmoor!
I personally think the whole western vs eastern dogs arguments are silly. There are some dogs out west that look like a million dollars without a doubt. There are also some that look like one dollar out there. But guess what, there are some dogs on the eastern part of the country that looks like a million and some that look like one. There are good dogs everywhere and sorry dogs everywhere. Getting on a message and arguing back and forth and bashing the pen is behavior typical of a middle school age child.
I am so glad this post came back around because there are a few folks on here I would like to address "personally."
First, to Mr. Who Cares...well, I care. My daughter cares. She plays a volleyball game Wednesday and I'm more than likely gonna miss that. My son cares. I was a home a few Saturdays ago giving out numbers instead of doing something with him. My brother cares. I could have went outside hunting with him that day. There are sacrifices that are made by folks that do CARE so that folks like you can just show up, sling paint, tote trophies and whine and b**** because it didn't go your way.
My question to you is, if you own dogs, why don't you care? Why don't you care that you are hindering the further progress of this sport and this pen and this hunt? Keep slinging your poison and you will find there are fewer and fewer pens for you to run in because they are not supported. There will be less and less hunts to go to because they are not supported and the people that put them on get sick and tired of putting up with the likes of you and your mouth.
For those of you not coming, for whatever reason, fine. Consider it NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS and stay out of it. Those that stir the s*** pot need to be made to lick the spoon. If you just got a bad taste in your mouth, then yes, I'm referring to YOU.
I'm going to give this hunt, this pen and my sponsor 110% of my effort, whether we run for 5 hours or 5 minutes, whether 2 people show up or 200. I'm giving away dog food, leads, collars and money, so Mr. Who Cares, the only one looking STUPID is you for not coming.
I do what I do because I love this sport, I love its people. My question to you, Mr. Who Cares and the rest of you No Namers, is where is your love for it. Obviously, you love yourself more than all else.
And one more thing, all you Goldilocks hunters might as well stay at home. I don't want to hear how the pen is too wet or too dry, its too hot or too cold, the ground is too hard or too sandy, the woods are too thick or too thin, there's too much game, there's not enough. It ain't never gonna be JUST RIGHT for ya'll, nothing is, so suck it up.
I plan on showing up at Creedmoor Tuesday afternoon, putting on one heck of a show for the folks that truly appreciate it and there are a handful of other people that have been working extremely hard to make this a success. Anybody offended by this post can easily find me there. For you, Mr. Who Cares and the rest of you that want to bash, you won't show up and guess what, WHO CARES!!
I get so sick & tired of these whining ,crying , NO NAMES that don't even have a hound that can get in a race, much less compete in one of the toughest three day hunts held in the country!
This hunt travels north,south,east,& west; so everyone has an opportunity to compete! Come get you some you no name, whining, crying bunch of jealous babies!!
The DRIVAL that they choose to put on here does more to harm field trialing & denigrate our sport! These same IDIOTS are the ones that do cheat, accuse others of cheating, & have never won anything! All they can do is HIDE behind their computer screens and show their jealousy & greed by posting the garbage they put on here, because they need attention, & cannot get any at a field trail!!
You pieces of TRASH should put forth the effort to put on a hunt instead of griping & ******** about everyone else!!
Get a life you DIRT BAGS, because that's all you are, & probably all you will ever be!!
You don't even have the ********* to put your name on a post, so we know you don't have a pair to show up & compete!!
I hope the TOP GUN this year will be one of the best ever put on, & I know it won't be from the lack of effort of Robin Barefoot, David Bailey, & others that work so hard to put together a first class hunt!!
You computer cowards go back in your holes & continue to hide!! You are a SORRY EXAMPLE of what a hunter/field-trailer is supposed to be!!
Allan Bishop
(Jabber Jaw)
PS: If you don't like this post....then it probably applies to you...& like Robin said "WHO CARES"!!!