We would like to thank everyone who supported The Dry Creek FHA hunt. We had a great time, the hunt was a success! Congratulations to all who placed and to Scott Head on his win with Killam Hills Bingo.
Congratulations scott on another win, you had to beat out some good hounds. And congrats to you too angie, placing 3 in the top ten. lsu it sounds like you can't get a win in anywhere. First burketts and now the sandsifter and carolina pens. Some of my best friends put this hunt on And one of my good friends owns the sandsifter. You keep going around accusing all these folks cheating and running bad pens, it could end up bad for you. It may be a good Idea if you keep hiding behind your fake computer name.
I want all negativity to end immediately. If you don't have anything nice to say, then keep your mouth shut! If you must post negative comments, go somewhere else besides the Dry Creek post to state them. We worked to hard and long on the reputation of our hunt, to have junk such as all of this posted.
The Dry Creek is about more than just hounds....it's about friends and family. If you would have attended this past week, you would have seen this first hand. After Jay Howell and I spoke Saturday afternoon at the awards, their was not a dry eye around. Foxhunters must learn to stick together...
Tell it like it it Sky, I get tired of all the cry babies. If you think you have to win all the time you better find another sport. The judges work their butts off only to have one or two hunters insinuate they cheated! This happens at almost every hunt, this ****** me off. I'm tired of it! These people go out of their way to put on a great hunt only to have this crap happen! Sonny,Angie and Sky worked hard to put this hunt together and deserve better. Some of these cry babies need to try their hand at putting on a hunt or judging. It is hard enough to get judges without this kind of behavior.
Wish I coulda made it to see u great folks. I had some events for the SouthEastern DHA I had to attend. Glad the hunt went well don't let negativity get to you like Butch said "it happens every hunt"
Hate I missed all y'all
Congrats to winners and placers and we all need to appreciate the judges at every hunt they work hard to help out!