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Tennessee State 2013

The result have not been posted til today because we didn't get home til Sunday night from the hunt, I work a full time job once I return home and help run a business, and I have 3 kids to run around, plus Mike has been in the hospital with kidney stones this week. So please think before you speak or if you have that much free time on your hands, I'll take all the help I can get minus the negativity.

Re: Tennessee State 2013

Amy, sorry to hear about mike I have had that problem myself so I understand please don't let idiots bother u if they wanted to know they should have entered a dog it was probly someone who placed that wanted their name to be called outAGAIN hopefully not Some people just have no patients we really enjoyed the hunt thanks to ur organization for bringing the hunt here and thanks also for choosing to come back next yr

Re: Tennessee State 2013

Thanks for the support Anthony :)