Sure was glad to see old Rodney Swift name out there,Hehas got some great Hounds and best of all he is a great guy to hunt with,you can rag Rodney an he can give it back. Great sport an Fox Hunter, we hate to loose him in Ga. I always enjoy the chat on web.. WE MISS YOU PAL
July National Derby results:
10th Chubby Paul
9th Chubby Paul
8th Gary Thornberry
7th Howard Owen
6th Donald & Mickey Patterson
5th WBT Whitey & Brenda Turner
4th J R Lanham
3rd WBT Whitey & Brenda Turner
2nd WBT - Whitey & Brenda Turner
1st Place-Classy Hound-Best Mouth-Combination Winner
Turner's Sho-Tyme
WBT Whitey & Brenda Turner
July National All Age results
1st Chuck Allen
2nd Garland Willis
3rd Allen Heyer
4th J R Lanham
5th Donald Patterson
6th WBT Whitey & Brenda Turner
7th Howard Owen
8th Howard Owen
9th Rodney Sweat
10th WBT Whitey & Brenda Turner
Congrats to WBT,YOU TWO ARE TOUGH AND Brenda must be back to full strength,also to everyone that placed, I see a blind hog gets a acorn cause Rodney placed one,congrats my friend.