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SC Masters next week........

The board is kinda boring need to pump things up.

The HOY race has 2 months to go, heard at least one top 5 hound was coming.

The pen is thumping, 350 acres 125 dogs with 10 to 14 judges using masters gtp 5 minute intervals should be heck of a hunt and pick good champion.

I heard Ronnie Norris, Bubba Hutto, Jeff Lucus quick catch Jeremy Sullivan and Mark Rose, Woody Corbett, Johnny Williams, Crisco....and several others....who u picking to win?

If quick catch chloe in field I imagine she getting her picture taken...she hot and super nice gyp.

Who else coming and who you picking


Re: SC Masters next week........

Talked to shane today said he was going but not taking the dogs they placed first n second with at the top gun.. But he said there caring 8 u can bet they will be ready.. I'm picking B&C for derby! Good luck to all

Re: SC Masters next week........

Heard Paul has been running jeffs dogs there. So you tell me who's gonna win?

Re: SC Masters next week........

...and the crying begins....

Re: SC Masters next week........

I'm bringing a few and only one of them has ever been to that pen. I know a lot of people think running a dog in a pen and dogs knowing the pen gives them an advantage? I'm a firm believer a good dog can show up no matter where they are at. I have never went to a pen thinking I'm wasting my time because of the local dogs. Good luck to everyone and can't wait!

Re: SC Masters next week........

David leave that red 600 home give us a chance. ..lol glad u coming you be tough to handle, agree the pen isn't much advantage in 3 days I never ran pauls at 1st big rocks and sc masters and I placed.

BC they be tough hard they git nice hounds, bubba Hutto is going be tough in derby also.

Be good

Re: SC Masters next week........

Big Boy Brad Richardson will be representing Red Oak huntimg club!!!!

Watch out for the big boy!!!!

1st day calcutta goes to red Oak!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: SC Masters next week........

I agree 100% with David..... I will be there to clap for everyone

Re: SC Masters next week........

Y'all better pick pocket the nc boys cause there gonna take all y'all's money home.......

Re: SC Masters next week........

Lucas places 2. Norris places 2. Quick ccatch places 1. B/c places 3. Crisco slips one in there. Just my guesses. Good luck to all.

Re: SC Masters next week........

Be time to black dogs out tomorrow evening and start packing up got get camper ready also.

Re: SC Masters next week........

There is a sleeper coming to take day 1 calcutta money

Re: SC Masters next week........

Does the sleeper live in Galivants Ferry SC?

Re: SC Masters next week........

I heard he ran beside the coyote,then I watched him run beside the coyote on crossing after crossing.Made me a believer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Should be an awesome hunt.Paul has everything in great order with the pen,as always.

Re: SC Masters next week........

Paul gets some faster coyotes

Re: SC Masters next week........

138 Cast...

Re: SC Masters next week........

Everyone has a fair chance. You may hear a name you don't recognize. Good luck to all!!

Re: SC Masters next week........

Halfway sheets.... 425 leading AA....350 derby

Re: SC Masters next week........

Who's leading? Derby n aa.thanks

Re: SC Masters next week........

Word is bubba Hutto aa and b&c derby