Every body talks about byrd and valentine but **** when you got their money something is wrong when you don't place. Big creek is just good ole boys that bust their butt at field trailing. They don't buy every winning hound that comes along. Not taking anything away from b and v fox hunting was for the rich when it was started but it sure is nice to see the average guy place with the rich. Love them or hate them big creek are stand up guys with some **** good hounds.
I don't know about Terry, but Donnie raises as many dogs as anyone. 99 percent of the dogs he places is bred by him. I'm not taking up for him because I don't want any of that trash (LOL) but he does know what he's doing. He's been placing and winning since the early 80's.
Good ole boy and the rest of you no-name sissies need to go hunting with some of the older hunters and learn something about a dog before you spout off. Money isn't what makes dogs win, it's hunters that work. You can take the best dog in the US and put it in the hands of someone that doesn't know or put the work in, and it becomes just another dog. At all these hunts that you read the results on here, they are won consistently by, not the ones with the most money, but by the ones that work the hardest, and that's fact not opinion. Sure, money helps in this very expensive sport, but money without the dog or work to make a dog, and you're still just a fella with a feed bill. No matter what type hunt, 3 hour, 5 hour, 2 day or 3 day, they are won by the ones that put in the time and work, and typically by ones that know something about a dog. The sad part about all these no-namers is they aren't really mad because byrd and valentine keep winning, it's because they don't know how to win.
At this particular hunt, byrd, valenting and big creek placed dogs because they had the most in-shape, ready for a hunt dogs on that day, not to mention good. these boys could give most of you no-namers their best dog and you still wouldn't win a hunt, because you are either too lazy or just don't have the know how to get him/her ready for the next hunt.
And, as far as this "buy all the winners", well, we all buy dogs, so what, but you guys need to know what you're talking about before you spout off. Hemps Creek spoke the gospel, Valentine raised 95% of the dogs you see them placing, and that's fact! If you all want to know what they are off of, why don't you get off this computer and call Valentine and ask him, he's not going to lie to you, he's just not a money hungry stud dog promoter, like a few out there. Him and Terry are spending their time, money and efforts on what they love to as their hobby, run dogs in competitive field trials.
So, in the end, ask yourselves, "am i getting beat by how much money someone has or by how much work they are putting into it."
Keep reading this board and you'll continue to see the names, Byrd, Valentine, Kidd, McMillan, Hoehner, Parker/Davis, Turdhill, just to mention a few, and last time i checked, only one of them is truly a "rich man", but he too puts in the work!!!!
PS, can you guess what most all the names are doing right now, probably not, so let me tell you, they are in the **** woods working their dogs to be ready for the next hunt, while you guys are on this computer in your house like me!
Yea I can tell u what some of these guys doing like I said some of these guys. Gettin there azzzz spanked this weekend.!!!! And maybe one of the others got there own judge but I do agree u put in the work and time and u will see a well derserved victory. Congrats u Byrd and Valintines. U guys show up for business as usual. But I like to ask a question the last names u mentioned on the obove post what have they done anywhere else come on now I see maybe 3 of these guys that go to another state and place. Now u go figure this out and yall have a good nite.