brian, you are still around. I figure since audry got old and you have not found one to take her place, that you had quit. it funny what one good cross on the right female can do for a man. trent has not found one to replace old dee. Brandon rush never had anything anyway. the redhead has found out about a job, so he can not find enough time to deer hunt therefore his dog hunting come second. I am still hunting every week and running some hounds. good to hear from you and tell family hello.
Still kicking Leroy. Been tied to work most of this year. Not much off time except dealing with medical issues. Between me and Paula we have had 3 surgeries in the last 4 months so haven't gotten to go to many trials. Got some young ones off Wishbone that look like they may be for real. Hope to get a chance to see next year. Good to hear from you.