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Big Valley HOY & KOY sponsered by Sportmix


1. Starkey’s Kennels 3905
2. Stahl Kennels 3345
3. WBT July Kennel 3070
4. Howard & Ann Owen & Sons 2380
5. Kearbey’s July Kennels 1825
6. Warren Sisk 1615
7. Hoehner Boys Kennels 1055
8. SOS Kennels 795
9. Burnt Toast Kennels 685
10. Bob & Dorothy Carlson 580
11. Chuck Hollis 570
12. Bob Brigham 510
13. Mike & Jason Small 510
14. Everett Kearbey 470
15. Ray Tyron 470
16. Clint Dunn 405
17. Piatt’s July’s 375
18. Turd Hill Kennels 305
19. Bob Schnieders 285
20. Chris Early 200
21. Lanham Julys 190
22. FAOS 180
23. Steve Hill 165
24. Wheeler’s Briar Patch Knl 155
25. Cain & Cain 140
26. Smokin Gun’s Kennel 140
27. Don Moffitt 90
28. Jerry Rickey 90
29. Blackwater Kennels 80
30. David Ard 80
31. Charlie Crowley 70
32. Jake Sullivan 70
33. Richard Blake 60


1. Starkey’s Patches 1330
2. Stahl’s Gracie 900
3. Starkey’s Sandy 870
4. Starkey’s Scarlett 865
5. Warren’s Roxie 860
6. O Q’s Cruise Control 770
7. Turner’s Lazor Kat 740
8. Stahl’s Bonnie 695
9. Turner’s Boozer 600
10. O Q’s Back Fire 580
11. Stahl’s Miss Fire 550
12. Turner’s Fancy 545
13. Kearbey’s Toby II 540
14. O Q’s Butterbean 530
15. Starkey’s Lucky 435
16. Stahl’s Sandy 400
17. Warren’s Patty 380
18. Kearbey’s Willie 375
19. Turner’s Sho-Tyme 375
20. Leroy 345
21. Thistlehill Boone 340
22. White Lightening Ray 320
23. Burnt Toast Stetson 305
24. Tick Ridge Duke 300
25. O Q’s Shift Kit 295
26. Small’s Jake 285
27. M & S Ruger 270
28. Thistlehill Travler 240
29. Kearbey’s Dan 235
30. Dunn’s Jack 225
31. Hoehner’s Gambler H 225
32. Stahl’s Daisy 225
33. Small’s Sacket 225
34. Cain’s Rock 220
35. Hoehner’s Hit Man 210
36. Tick Ridge Dee Dee 210
37. Bristle 200
38. Piatt’s Bahama B & H 200
39. Bob’s Sally 195
40. Kearbey’s Lacy 195
41. Stahl’s Rooster 195
42. Starkey’s Spook 195
43. Turd Hill Tebow 195
44. Hoehner’s Big Dee 190
45. Turner’s Sky 190
46. Turner’s Bingo 185
47. Dunn’s Copper 180
48. M & S Ozzie 180
49. Turner’s Weapon 175
50. Hoehner’s Mia 170
51. Kearbey’s Lena 170
52. Thistlehill T-Bar 170
53. M & S Gracie 165
54. Thistlehill Tucker 165
55. Burnt Toast UFO 160
56. Warren’s Jewels 160
57. Kearbey’s Brookie 155
58. Jet Polit Ray 150
59. O Q’s Wheels 150
60. Kearbey’s Dude 145
61. Warren’s Johnny Reb 145
62. Cain’s Hollywood 140
63. Hoehner’s Cochise 140
64. Hoehner’s Sugar Baby 140
65. Stahl’s Hana 140
66. Dunn’s Captain 130
67. J R’s Dolly 120
68. Stahl’s Ruby 120
69. Vaupel’s Tiny 120
70. Kearbey’s Marshmellow 110
71. Piatt’s Pyro J 110
72. Turd Hill Cheetah 110
73. Lanham’s May 100
74. Kearbey’s Rooster 100
75. Turner’s Little G 100
76. Kearbey’s Jello 95
77. Black Bess 90
78. Turner’s Sexy 90
79. Bob’s Dawn 90
80. Kearbey’s Jim 90
81. Lanham’s Cloyic 90
82. Rickey’s White Powder 90
83. Kearbey’s SnowWhite 85
84. Ard’s Boe 80
85. Sleeper’s April 80
86. Starkey’s Rambo 80
87. Wheeler’s Fancy 80
88. Wheeler’s Rhonda 75
89. Crowley’s Moonshine 70
90. Sullivan’s Brownie 70
91. Turner’s Hit-a-Lic 70
92. Warren’s Maggie 70
93. Piatt’s Shew 65
94. Stahl’s Tanto 65
95. Blake’s Aphrodiete 60
96. Hoehner’s Tornado 60
97. Hoehner’s Hurley 60
98. Sullivan’s Tebow 60
99. Vaupel’s Sara 60
100. Siever’s Lefty 55
101. Stahl’s Shelby 55
102. Thistlehill Jumper 55

Re: Big Valley HOY & KOY sponsered by Sportmix

Thank You Sportmix Feed for Sponsoring the Big Valley HOY & KOY.

First Place winner in each class won $1000.
2nd Place winner in each class 1 ton of Sportmix feed.
3rd Place winner in each class 1000 lbs of Sportmix feed.

Thank You to everyone that has visited the Big Valley pen this year.
We appreciate you. Hope to see you all next year.

Re: Big Valley HOY & KOY sponsered by Sportmix

We would like to say thanks to Alan and David for all they have done and do for the hunts and hunters, it's very appreciated. Also, thank you to Sportmix for sponsoring Big Valley HOY & KOY, and to all those that have donated to the many hunts! We all appreciate what each one of you have done!

Re: Big Valley HOY & KOY sponsered by Sportmix

Congrates Harold!!

Re: Big Valley HOY & KOY sponsered by Sportmix

looks like old slingblades ghost still roams the valley.
congrats to all.

Re: Big Valley HOY & KOY sponsered by Sportmix