all of them are not going to be good. in fact, most of them off any hound will not be good. it appear you have a bad cross. hammer was a real good hound. I had two off of him that was fairly good pleasure hounds. the male had a good mouth, above average speed and could run his game. the female had real good speed, sorry mouth, and could run her game. therefore some cross on certain female work and some do not. my two were off a Woodstock female that haskill spires bred.
Mr. Leroy what would you get if you bred a monkey to a walker? Seems to me you have an answer to every body's questions please give your option on this.
Jimmy joe smith you spelled your name two different ways and you seem like a disrespectful ***** it seems you would have a smart ass remark to that to wouldnt you the man(Leroy) is just giving another opinion on the dog. And this is an actual name dylan wilson better luck next time on putting down On a good hound jimmy/Jimmie
mr. smith, I am not in to crossing monkey and walkers. I do talk to hunters such as haskill spires and steve ducote who will tell you they go thru many litters of puppies before they get a real outstanding hound. these are hunters who field trial and looking at a hound for that reason. some of those litters produce some good pleasure hounds, but some of them do not work out. this is my opinion in dealing with hounds over the years and what I found out from hunters who raise lots of litters of puppies. I did not ask you to except my opinion.
This is not a request. I want all of us to think about this issue. Education is a part of life. I am going to be short here. Anyone with Internet access can see what is posted on the web. Do hunters have to appear or be so ignorant as to post such crap about fox/coyote chasing to look like idiots? WTF? SOB? ****. You people need to think before you speak or post.