Benefit hunt for Patrick Marzigiliano Sunday November 24th (this Sunday at Stony Creek Fox Pen aka Emerson's. Patrick was in an accident and has been out of work for several months putting financial stress on both him and his family. Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner this hunt can help Patrick, his wife, and children better enjoy their holidays and offer them some help through a tough time. Let's drum up support and show the community and this family how houndsmen step and help those in need.
For numbers call Claude Meadows 804-895-4895
This is hunt is for walkers and beagels. Beagles will be odd numbers and Walkers will be even numbers. Will do 2 separate classes: a beagle class and a walker or big dog class.
Corn hole tournament will be held during the hunt. Dust off your bags will be a good time!
As well as a 50/50 raffle
Hunt is held on a Sunday not to mess up anyones deer hunting. Come out and support the hunt.