We will be having an all age hunt December 21st it will be $100 a dog paying back $70, numbers are limited. Call Nick Saucier for numbers (228)697-0544. Pen is in Saucier, Ms.
Seriously ? Did you even look at the score sheet there 2 hounds only scored 100 and 105 chuck was with Bama and Cody was with Howard you starting something you really don't need cause them boys are honest people call or text me at 601 - 270-1866 and I can get you there numbers so y'all can settle this no need in disrespecting the sport over this matter
I apologize for calling him a clown I never personally even met these boys but yeah tiny I would like his phone number. . The boy that was paired up with Howard
You gave called us a cheater for the last time Drake Lamey . My number is 601 606 9535 . Give me just a few mins and I will post Cody's number for you and your daddy . Boy you have opened a can of worms can't either one of you handle. Nick I have never cheated at any thing . Don't know who this Lamey boy is but I do remember what they look like and I will take care of this at the next hunt I see them at . I paid entry fee on 2 dogs . I scored one crossing and their dog was second in that crossing .
Cody's number 601-543-5651. He can't post on here but he said you welcome to call him any time . You need to think bout what you doing before you accuse some body you don't know if cheating . We both have one question Why did you wait to get on here to run your mouth ? Why were you not man enough to do it when you were face to face in arms reach.
I would like to apologize for all the accusations drake has made on this post..we met c&c kennels for the first time last sat and have no right to judge these folks..i have the utmost respect for bj,nick, and the entire 747 group..i have called c&c kennels and personally apologized and will have drake do the same..i hope everyone can except my deepest apologies for his posts..
It is still gonna be exciting Kermi but the main one that was crying about the hunt at purvis turned his numbers in. Heard the staples where still in for holding his dogs guts up lol.
LOL, you seem very concerned with my attendance.. you sound like a scorned woman..is that the reason you sent your hounds to the last hunt under another mans name. what were YOU afraid of ? plans have changed and staples have been removed.. we would love to come and are on the waiting list..we also have numbers to the dairy barn derby on the 28th.. we expect to see those multi-colored plot hounds in attendance.. school is out so no dodgeball classes for awile..
Dennis I called u twice u want answer so since u want to keep the child stuff going lets roll with it. My hounds was there friends wanted to take them so I sent them running on two days of rest No excuses like yourself I got out ran plain an simple just like YOU did. I recall I scored more than u at that hunt beat u at crane creek and out ran u that evening u came and ran with me and U caught in a hour and a half an left. It's Christmas time right in the middle of moving into a new house have a baby on the way so my time feild trailing is limited some but I will see u at hunts and still talk to u no problem u can talk about me i don't care. U can talk about my plots all u want. Hell I bought proble one of the best pups I raised from u. Ill be seeming u in the new year bud with these plots. I called u like a man so don't sit here on this computer and bad mouth somebody if u don't know who it is. Later
Kenneth you started this bullcrap first by telling Bama we mainline our dogs at that crane creek hunt when y'all were catchin up on the Polaris. You heard the trouble clear mouth dog runnin up and figured maybe he won the hunt or would be in the top 3 , what other reason would you have to say that. The 1st place dog thru 6th place dog was a 65 point difference at crane creek. Rondo had bad feet and was not in top shape for that hunt. We noticed how dewayne didn't bring Sam to the hunt Bc he had a bad toe, been layed up and not ready. He didn't want to give guys like you the pleasure of saying you outran him. We should have done the same. You did not outrun us that evening and I remember dad making the comment that night, you said the trouble dog runs his game very well. We caught up in 2 hours because we ran again with dewayne and Bama that Saturday at purvis and that evening was a Wednesday. So what your saying isn't true. Congratulations on your new home and baby dude but yeah your right, this childish stuff needs to end. Us, 747 kennel big creek we all our located pretty close to each other and represent south ms. This stuff needs to stop but you began it. We know you talk about us behind our back and no name post negative stuff about us. No way to prove what went on at purvis but there will be plenty hunts coming up that we will ALL be in attendance for and we will see.
Drake call your dad before u start saying to much that u don't know Wat your talking about. Been on the phone with him for 30 minutes. Everything is talked about and over let it be.
Drake Lamey you keep on insinuating cheating went on at Purvis . My nephew was the one judging with Howard I am tired of hearing it. I don't know you or how old you are but I can tell you I do not like you. Get over Purvis and shut up about it or man up and talk to either one of us face to face.