hey fras bros, how is everything with both of you. have you any young females off of bandit on hand or has barry sold them. have not seen him since ark. state but he was blowing lot of smoke. have a great thanksgiving and great hunting. it was a pleasure hunting with him. lh
Mr.Leroy, I got me two Bandit pups from Mr.Berry & Mr.Randy a little while back. A gyp & a male that are Litter mates about four mounths old now. Black & Tan. They are something to see, I cant wait to start training them. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and to all that reads this.
keith, good to hear from you. I would like to get a pup that is 8-9 month old. that barry blow so much smoke, it hard to get down to what he has on hand. he is something else with plenty of bull. this go hunting sometime when you are in from work. give me a call.