Well who do I need to call to get a number. What is the entry im not affraid. All u guys always braging bout ur hounds done this done that at ur home pens. Well guys here u go come show everbody u got **** good hound. Dont talk on the computer let ur dogs do the talking. As my grampa used to say put up or shut up crybabies. Trust me u can see who is packing the heat. Who do we call for numbers need a couple . O yea I been running deer to if thats some of u girls excusses.
Rumor has it. That Valintine had to have back surgery because of all the jumping he had to do,to get on Byrd's back so he could carry him all summer!!! It's a good thing Mr Terry is a stout fella. A normal man couldn't have carried that much dead weight around for so long!
Well we no that valintine is the mouth to this duo. But will he show up or is he going to set that butt in the deer stand. Hes talked the talk in the past but hes not going to walk the walk sorry Donnie u no its a long way home on that gresil. Good luck on deer hunting x champ?????
Marshall Lewis traded his numbers for a cheerleader uniform his reasoning is quote ( I can't beat the boys from the dirty south so I'm cheer for them properly!!)
Breaking News!!!! A LA cell phone carrier has filed a suit against a tissue paper company . For possible lost usage charge's. After a field trail in Missouri in Oct. The tissue paper company seen a big spike in sale's. So they have decided to start sponsoring a few foxhunters. After the same field trial. The LA cell carrier seen a big plunge in its usage. So in short. They want the tissue paper company to stop their sponsorship's. So they have a less chance of the premium customer to lose and not use his phone to brag all the way home.
Valintine the red butt unhappy man. After next sat u will be going back to the emergency room for a butt plug cause them lil chocolates plan on giving u the skyurs so bring ur real deal hound to get cliped from her title.
O yea T Byrd hope u have ear plugs and nose plugs ear plugs for ur ears all the cryin Valintine going to do and nose plugs all the skyuring. Hope u got plastic for ur seats.
Valintine the red butt unhappy man. After next sat u will be going back to the emergency room for a butt plug cause them lil chocolates plan on giving u the skyurs so bring ur real deal hound to get cliped from her title.
The whole "no judges" thing is BS... I know of atleast 8 judges that where going to be there. Sounds like to me somebody got cold feet! Yall need to reschedule this hunt and quiet being scared. Quiet talkin and drop the tailgate!!
Hey by stander since you seem to be one of the ones putting the hunt on and know all the judges why don't you bless all of us with the names of the 8 judges and show everyone how smart you are. We want to know. You can't do it. So do us all a favor and pls be quiet
I know of atleast 8 to 10 that where going to be there! no need to list any names... sounds like to me someone burned up a pad or maybe came in heat? or like bystander said just plain cold feet!! lets run em!!