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lemon jip found/ stolen

My wife works with a lady who has posted on her e-mail that they found a white jip near wiggins ms. and they are giving it to a loving home so she sent it to me. The dog is mostly white and has a collar and a tracking collar on it so I called and she said they gave it away and would not give it back to a hunter because it was abused. I have picture of the jip on my computer so if anyone has lost her they can try and get it back. I was going get her and try to track down the owner but she made it clear that I was not getting her. Its a disgrace what these folks do to our dogs

Re: lemon jip found/ stolen

If this person admitted to taking the dog, I would report to police the theft. Of the dog and the tracking collar.

Re: lemon jip found/ stolen

we have found the owner of the dog and they are trying to track down the lady with the dog through the police. This is going to be a mess

Re: lemon jip found/ stolen

Chip I had that happen to me call me when you get time I will tell you wat I done

Re: lemon jip found/ stolen

The dog has been recovered but the folks that stole her were hiking at the black creek trails off hwy. 29 in Janus so anyone that hunts stone or Perry county better keep an eye out.