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Dog won't gain weight

I bought a young dog this summer who had been penned up all summer. I started running him and he just keeps losing weight. He looks like a pile of bones. I've wormed him with pyrantel, panacore, drontil pill, I've tried dyne and even put him on doxy for two weeks afraid he might have tick fever. He acts fine, eats good and runs great just can't get any weight on him.

Re: Dog won't gain weight

Valbazen 5cc every 12 hrs 4 doses. Start it again in 21 days. Should get rid of any worms or Giardia.

Re: Dog won't gain weight

Do u have 2 hold their feed with the valbazen

Re: Dog won't gain weight

buddy panacure it again had some young dogs a few years ago full of whip worms about pulled my hair out over em it takes a long hard fight to get rid of a bad case of those feel your pain as long as their gums are lite pink keep hittin em with it took me several times but they turned out goodlooking hounds panacure is the best on market but it is 3 day and it takes that for a whip worm

Re: Dog won't gain weight

man im tellin ya had the same issues. panacure does not catch whip worms. do whatever you have to do to get it, its called atgard. its a swine wormer that catches whip worms and will transform your hound. trust me. it comes in a pack and looks like little red pellets. its some serious stuff so do not give to much. put in little pieces of bread balls and shove it down dogs throat. it says your not supposed to store it so use it on all your dogs and you will see a transformation you wont believe in your dogs. but be careful using it. atgard....

Re: Dog won't gain weight

atgard is the ticket. use it once on all your hounds. wait a week and use again a little bit less in your bread balls the 2nd time to em all again. they will act totally different look totally different and probably run totally different.

Re: Dog won't gain weight

You might want to run a course of Albon through this dog. Adult dogs can have coccidiosis just like puppies. One of the main symptoms of an adult carrier is exactly what you are describing.

Re: Dog won't gain weight

Best luck I've had is give them 4 drontal plus pills at one time. You have to hold feed for 24 hours. I used all that other and it didn't get the worms.

Re: Dog won't gain weight

atgard buddy. its some powerful stuff. will eat them whip worms up.

Re: Dog won't gain weight

(Just A Thought) how do you use Albon

Re: Dog won't gain weight

Hunter can you get atgard at the feed store .

Re: Dog won't gain weight

We get it from the co op bud. The last time I picked up 2 packs they said they were no longer distributing it I'm not sure why but man that stuff will knock them whip worms out I promise you. Your dogs will put on weight like you wont believe. It's very powerful stuff. Call around different feed stores. The co op in George county lucedale ms is where we got it from.

Re: Dog won't gain weight

at guard is some powerful stuff, flies will die when they land on the poo, careful it will kill a dog if u give him to much, used it lots of times and it works verygood cant remember the dosage but know I used gloves putting it in a hotdog

Re: Dog won't gain weight

atgard is very powerful. take about 6 to 9 pellets in a hotdog or bread ball and shove it down dogs throat. it will kill them whip worms that albon panacure ivomec and all that other stuff will not catch. I repeat will not catch. your dogs will fill out guaranteed and act like a puppy

Re: Dog won't gain weight

I have checked every feed store and co-op in my area and they all tell me it's been discontinued if anyone knows where I can find or order some please let me know it's by far the best wormer I've used thanks

Re: Dog won't gain weight

Atgard is the best wormer for that whip worm I used it years back and my hounds put on weight greatly my first time using it I killed 3 pups about 6 months old for giving them to much Flys do die when landing on tirds this is some strong stuff but the only thing I have ever had luck with for whip worms and puttin weight on my hounds. Is there any place you can order it