Next year is swiftly approaching and I would like to thank every hunter who has taken part in the 2013 Chase-Purina “Test of the Best” competition. There is no dispute that it is one of, if not the most prestigious and exciting contests in existence for hounds today. The hunters along with the folks who organize and run the field trials are the people who make it successful. I sincerely appreciate the individuals who support this competition. Rules as they stand will remain the same for the Puppy division of the “Test of the Best” contest. There will be one significant addition to the 1- Day division however, as Derby hunts will now be eligible to receive points in this category.
Young hounds transitioning from a pup will have the opportunity to run in Derby hunts and receive recognition in this contest. Beginning January 1st of 2014, any Derby one day hunt that meets the exact criteria as the All Age hunts do now will count jointly in determining the winners in the 1-Day category. To keep it simple and straightforward, the point system for the Derby hunts will be the same as the All Age. For example, the 1st place hound receives 100 pts; 2nd place 90 pts; 3rd place 80 pts., and on down the line. To meet eligibility requirements all trials must have advertised in the Chase prior to the event, and the results sent in for publication. The Derby must have a minimum of thirty (30) entries in order to qualify. There are fewer 1-Day hunts in general as opposed to Puppy trials, and counting the Derby will minimize the chance of a tie within this category. All prize money and award incentives will remain the same for 2014. Merry Christmas and best of luck in the coming year!