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* * * Judges nominated and invited to the 2014 Masters * * *

Judges nominated and invited for the 2014 Masters

8 states

Al Boone-NC
Scott Hackler-MO
Bill Agnew-MO
Terrell Miller-SC
Bill McGee-NC
Terry Montgomery-LA
Billie Sivils-MO
Tim & Tammy Sikes-GA
Bob & Dorothy Carlson-MO
Tommy McLamb-NC
Bobby Cleghorn-GA
Wayne Smith-NC
Brian Haas-SC
Wendy Boone-NC
Bruce Crawford-LA
Bubba Sharpe-SC
Carl McRoy-SC
Clyde Sutton-NC
Danny Panky-AL
David Peterson-MO
Davis Hallman-SC
Donnie Adams-VA
Dustin Boone-NC
Dwight Little-NC
Eugene Martin-NC
Gary Otey-VA
Jerry Drew-MO
Jerry Kinker-VA
Jerry Pirtle-MO
John Renkoswki-MO
Kelly Meadows-NC
Ken Ezell-MS
Kevin Alumbaugh-MO
Kevin Munday-VA
Kyle Agnew-MO
Larry Etherige-MS
Mitch Beahman-MO
Murray McClendon-SC
Paul Lyons-SC
Pete Warren-NC
Preacher Ratley-LA
Ralph Smith-NC
Rex Cooksey-MS
Ron Lambert-SC
Ross McLamb-NC
Rusty Cox-LA