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Worming a pregnant hound

Can you warm a pregnant gyp that's just two weeks from having pups? If so, what's safe?

Re: Worming a pregnant hound

You should check with your vet. I'm sure he can answer your question or have something. I do know that you definitely don't want to give her Ivomec. Better to be safe than sorry. I'd call the vet.

Re: Worming a pregnant hound

I have always used safe guard, give 1 cc per 5lbs 3 days in a row. Gave it every 2 weeks never had a problem. Also started my pups on it at 3 weeks.

Re: Worming a pregnant hound

Man to be safe I wouldn't I would after she had them give here some safe guard and it will be in here blood system and it will also worm the pups when they drink her milk