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2013 Leaderboard Final Statistics

Well, 2013 is officially in the books. The 2013 Leaderboard awards were presented to the Top 20 finalists at the Masters banquet in Manning SC on Wednesday, March 19, 2014. A big thanks to our sponsors, The Hunters Horn, Black Gold, Johnson's Telemetry, Pride Dog Food and Showtime Dog Food for making these awards possible and recognizing hounds and houndsmen for their hard work and accomplishments. If you have never attended a Masters banquet and been a part of the awards ceremony, you have definitely missed a special occasion and wonderful social event. The Leaderboard awards are always presented at the Masters Field trial banquet and it's a great way to kick off the Masters field trial by recognizing the winners from the previous year. Congratulations to all of the top hounds and houndsmen and especially to Ronnie McMillan for Top honors in KOY, HOY, DOY and SOY.

Below are some statistics from the 2013 categories:

1504 different hounds received points towards the 2013 Hound of the Year category.

It took 1075 to get into the top 20...and the top 2 hounds went over 2000 points, with the winner racking up a total of 2670.

As always, every point counts.
The newly added traveling bonus moved some into the top 10 and top 20...and knocked some out. 4 different hounds received 200 point travel bonuses for placing in 4 different states.


645 different hounds received points towards the SOY.

There are plenty of familiar names in the top 20....but 4 or 5 newcomers to the top 20 this year.

After the totals were cut down to the top 12 hunts, it took 2425 pts to get into the top 20 and 7955 pts to win the Sire of the Year. Like the Hound of the Year, the top 2 Sires stretched it out a bit in this category.


1078 different hounds received points towards the DOY.

The same goes for familiar names in this top 20 as the SOY, with about as many new names.

After the totals were cut down to the Top 12 hunts, it took 1375 to get into the top 20 and 3715 to win the Dam of the Year. The top 7 females went over 2000 pts in this category.


684 different kennels / owners got points towards the KOY.

After the cutdown to the top 12 hunts for each kennel this year, it took 2315 pts to get into the top 20 and 8625 pts to win it.

Again, thanks to all of the sponsors and congratulations to all of the winners and good luck to everyone in 2014.