
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Camp Shelby Hunt

Well let's see the results from this fine hunt. Herd there was 99 bad to the bone hounds cast!! Great running and some fine slick judging going on.. Who won and placed?

Re: Camp Shelby Hunt

It sounds like you already know with those stupid comments why don't you give us the results, people like you is the reason there isn't more hunts to go to because every time you get beat someone has to be cheating

Re: Camp Shelby Hunt

Never said anything about cheating. You did!! Oh yeah I didn't get beat I didn't go. So wrong again. I just herd it was a good hunt and just looking for results. Not bashing it at all. You did. Stupid.

Re: Camp Shelby Hunt

When the man putting on the hunt runs his dogs under somebody else's name and he him self is a judge . THAT IS CHEATING . Sorry no way around it

Re: Camp Shelby Hunt

Sounds like some folks are bent out of shape cause they didn't place . I didn't place but I had a good time and enjoyed socializing with some good friends .

Re: Camp Shelby Hunt

I put the hunt on and i didnt have a dog in the hunt and i did not judge i was riding the man around that was mastering the hunt if u have any questions please give me a call i have done the hunt every year and run in it one time when Grant hosted it one year. my # 601-270-2692