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Hay bales

I see people put hay bales out side there pen but has anyone actually seen yotes it fox use them

Re: Hay bales

yes, I had them on game cam. coming over fence at my pen. it will work during winter months when they are searching for food. I had really good success in jan.-march in Louisiana.

Re: Hay bales

Thanks Leroy I have seen the bales but wasn't sure if the game used them so now I know

Re: Hay bales

Put meat scraps or fish guts and heads inside pen by hay bale

Re: Hay bales

I did used deer meat and fish to bait them. it will work most of the time.

Re: Hay bales

Are they going in to eat or breed, that's breeding season isent it?

Re: Hay bales

could be both, but I would get 10-15 per year and would they be some good runners. the best races that you would every hear. roy seal and butchman crain can tell you about them.

Re: Hay bales

Some pens have teetering boards coming through the fence. Anybody have any luck with those?