
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Results Belmont Puppy Hunt

Old Class:
1st- P&D
2nd- C.W. Grubbs
3rd- Hoss Broadway
4th- Valerie McDonald
5th- Sammy Procell
6th- Scott McFerrin
7th- Sammy Procell
8th- Sammy Procell
9th- Sammy Procell
10th- Scott McFerrin

Young Class:
1st- Hoss Broadway
2nd- Judge Teat
3rd- P&D
4th- Pop Crosby
5th- Keith Ebarb
6th- Coach Morvan
7th- O'Neal Hemphill
8th- Pop Crosby
9th- Carl Hemphill
10th- Gerald Dowden

Thanks to everyone who attended.