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feed before cast??

Seen some men feed there dogs right before cast. Some men say not tp feed them for up to 6 hours before cast. What works? Seems like the feed would swell up make him bloat?

Re: feed before cast??

Some folks are feeding them so the medications don't just sit on their stomaches. But you generally feed lite.

Re: feed before cast??

John is right...it's not a needle the p.e.d. man is using. It's time release pills.They have a pill capsule that release after 2 to 3 hours into blood stream.In this situation the food is to move the pill in the small intestine were it is absorbed into the blood stream.

Re: feed before cast??

most people I know eat breakfast before going to work. why wouldn't the dogs. football players, runners all eat before they compete. how can you preform at your highest level on empty?

Re: feed before cast??

I like to feed my hounds around 10-11 oclock on the day I run them. this give them time to digest their food and clean out before I load them. just my daily routine before I go hunting. I know hunters who feed real early and some do not feed at all.

Re: feed before cast??

Every dog is different. Some run better one way and some run better another. Try things out before you pleasure/exercise run them. It's better to find out what doesn't work then rather than at a field trial you just paid money to enter. B12 makes some dogs sick and some babble. Some stuff makes a dog roady or and not get in a race. That's what makes some of the big winners great, they know their dogs.