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Barking Fault or babbling

Just wondering if it takes two judges to scratch a hound for a barking fault or babbling.... Thanks in advance in both nationals or masters affiliated hunts.....

Re: Barking Fault or babbling

Yes, but only in Masters...


Re: Barking Fault or babbling

In a Masters rules hunt it takes two judges to scratch a hound for a barking fault! In a Nationals rules hunt it only takes one judge to scratch a hound!!!

Re: Barking Fault or babbling

National rules.
Article V l l l
Paragraph (f)

Re: Barking Fault or babbling

I think the rule for barking fault need to be look at by the master. it was a lot of it at the western derby and a lot of hounds would have been gone if it would have taken one judge.

Re: Barking Fault or babbling

Lot of it everywhere lately! Breeding and high power vitamins!

Re: Barking Fault or babbling

Babbling is a barking fault or am I misunderstanding the question ?

Re: Barking Fault or babbling

babbling is a barking fault or am I misunderstanding the question

Re: Barking Fault or babbling

Looks like if a dog is at fault more than one judge would see it so why would 2 judges make any difference

Re: Barking Fault or babbling

joe, I was judging at the western derby and when a large number of hounds are babbling or running other hounds, it is hard to get many hounds at one time. therefore a large number of hounds got miss for barking out of place, there was a long list of hounds that one judge had on the list but not two judges. I just think a hound should be gone for the worst fault to me a hound can have.

Re: Barking Fault or babbling

The nice thing about masters rules requiring 2 judges to scratch for a barking fault is it makes it harder for folks to get a good hound outa the way. If 1 judge can scratch for barkin outa place 1 crooked judge is a real game changer! Thankful the Masters require 2!

Re: Barking Fault or babbling

A crooked judge has other options for scratching than a barking fault. That rule doesn't make it any easier or harder for someone to cheat. A cheater will cheat. The end.

Re: Barking Fault or babbling

Leroy I understand what you saying but if compete for high point hound of the year or something of that nature it can change easily by one judge People spent a bunch of money to go to these hunts People feel better about it with 2
Judges calling it

Re: Barking Fault or babbling

Amen Chase!!

Re: Barking Fault or babbling

Joe, my point is, do you think they could only scratch for a barking fault to do the same thing? Are you saying there needs to be a two judge rule for loafing, failure to hark, or in some cases running off game? That tells me and that man judging you don't trust him. I feel like in more cases your are upsetting perfectly good judges over an if or maybe. In our area it's hard to find judges and people whining and calling foul everytime they don't do what they expect their dogs to do it's because someone cheated.

Re: Barking Fault or babbling

That very true I was just giving an opinion not really stateing anything were I been have been good judging love see more young people involve

Re: Barking Fault or babbling

To foxhunters, babbling and quiting are the worst faults. Like to be able to see a compiled list of ch sires been scratched as I been took buying pups off big name CH's to hear latter were scratch for being mouthy.We all knw ths fault breeds on strong and overlooked in public sires for money.

Re: Barking Fault or babbling



Re: Barking Fault or babbling

This is an open discussion so I will state my opinion and that of other judges I have judges with!!! From a hunters stand point. I understand Why we like the two scratch rule, but what we fail to understand is that we are telling good honest judges we trust you to score a hound in s/d but we just don't trust your judgement to scratch a hound!!! I have heard this from several great judges I look up too!! I think its sad day when people that never judge a hunt acts like they get cheated when their favorite hound has a fault that either the to kennel blind to see or know about it but come unglued when a judge sees it!!! I too have been at fault years ago till I went judge a three day hunt , To me a barking fault it the worst thing a hound can do!! As it disrupts a race!! By rule a dog could actually bark a lil out of place as long as he or she not interfering with a race!!! But when he /she is pulling dogs out of races or just to them, they need to be eliminated!! Most good judges will write a number down that they see with a fault wont scratch them till they see it do it again, unless its just God awe full and needs to be scratched!!! We as hunters need to realize good honest judges don't go looking for dogs to be scratched, a dog usually scratches themselves judges just write it down!! I still run time to time in hunts and I don't care which organization it is, I love trialing hounds and just want to go!!! I'll end with this lets all enjoy our sport because we are not promised tomorrow !!! God Bless and happy hunting/running

Re: Barking Fault or babbling

I will preempt my opinion by saying I don't field trial much anymore but in my opinion all faults are over looked to a degree. For instance you got a pack running paralleling a road you'll see hounds flanking on a road for quite a distance, game turns back hounds continue down road these hounds are failing to hark and should be removed. Babbling seems to be an issue at the hunts I've attended but I see s/d hunts advertised on the sights stating "no scratch", which I personally don't understand. The issue is simple to me, to many hunters have become complacent with faults in their hounds as long as they score points. In the not so distant past a lot of the scoring machines would have been culled for race interference, today they are described as smart enough to get to the front, I want a dog to get to the front but when this becomes a continuous action it tells me the hound can't hold his game or he's not a front end hound but a cutting/slashing hound that needs to be eliminated. As in society in general some of today's hunters care about points and points only, with no regard if the hound accumulates them being "dirty". In closing I would say that if the faults were given the same emphasis as the points the running hounds of all breeds would be elevated. Just another opinion, good hunting and may God bless you!

Re: Barking Fault or babbling

I think the problem stems from hunters now that due to technology do not get out in the woods and see what their dogs are doing. The look at the GPS and see the speed and maybe a couple road crossings. As much as I don't want my hound to be scratched I also want to know what the judge sees that maybe I haven't. I've never owned a perfect hound and as far as I can tell, neither has anyone else.

Guys need to know what faults their dogs show. And hopefully they breed to limit those faults.

I think hunters should judge a few hunts too, just to see what dogs do in a trial.

Re: Barking Fault or babbling

If I am not trusted to recognize a fault and scratch a hound, why in the world would you trust me to score a hound?
Requiring 2 judges to scratch a hound is an insult to the integrity of the person that is ask to judge.
Like Mr. Messina said, a hound scratches itself, the judge just writes it down.