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Money hunt

4 hour speed and drive money hunt June 18 2016 $100 dollar entry fee . Only 60 numbers will be given out. $50 deposit will be required to reserve numbers. Will be giving $3000 back to top 5 and dog food from sixth thru tenth. For numbers call Chris Oglesby (912) 531-7699 starting Monday April 4 2016. Pen is located in Adrian ga .

Re: Money hunt


Re: Money hunt

Deposit not required 1000 for first place with 50 dogs money given back to top 5 and dog food 6 thru 10 and breakfast will be served

Re: Money hunt


Re: Money hunt

I think you should grill us some Ribeyes too for lunch!!

Re: Money hunt

After what I just heard I think he should to Cliff

Re: Money hunt


Re: Money hunt

hey chris how many numbers have yall got out? whose bringin the heat!

Re: Money hunt

How big is pen and what type of game? Thick or open?

Re: Money hunt

368 acres fast as a dog can run full of game that is in SHAPE

Re: Money hunt


Re: Money hunt

so who brought the heat,,,?

Re: Money hunt

Bub Moody from what I herd

Re: Money hunt

1st - Bub Moody
2nd - S&J Kennels
3rd - Bub Moody
4th - Carlton Milton
5th - Wes Mincey

Re: Money hunt

how many dogs were there?