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Dawg Pile Pup Hunt

Dawg Pile Pup Hunt
Sponsor Native Dog Supply
June 18th May and young
Holly Hill fox pen Alma GA
Break time 5 min interval
2 judge scratch run 4 hrs
Breakfast and Lunch served
Money after expenses GHFF
Numbers 229 805-7465
$25 entry fee

1st place prize $150 NDS gift cert 5 bags Showtime engraved coozie and Hat

2nd $100 NDS 4 bags Showtime and Hat

3rd $75 NDS 3 bags Showtime and Hat

4th $50 NDS 2 bags Showtime and Hat

5th $25 NDS 1 bag Showtime and Hat

6th -10th NDS blanket 1 bag showtime and hat

11th -15th 1 bag Showtime

Over 60 numbers out

Re: Dawg Pile Pup Hunt

75 numbers out