Only 2-weeks until Hunt. Have over 200#'s out. Over 100 out in All-Age , So it's shaping up to be a GRADE -2 Hunt. Hope everyone shows. We have over 5,000#'s of feed and some pocket change for high derby and high all-age last days. Would love to see all the BIG DOGS from Ms. and Surrounding States at one of the oldest and toughest hunts in the South. God Bless and look forward to seeing everyone there.
Less than a week left . Have over 200#'s out. Over 100 out in All-Age , So it's shaping up to be a GRADE -2 Hunt. Hope everyone shows. We have over 5,000#'s of feed and some pocket change for high derby and high all-age last days. Would love to see all the BIG DOGS from Ms. and Surrounding States at one of the oldest and toughest hunts in the South. God Bless and look forward to seeing everyone there.
Have over 200#'s out,Over 5,000#'s Feed. but still have room for all CONFERENCES . The TLC(Texas/la) Conf., SLC(South La.) Conf., SMCC(South Ms. Coastal) Conf., MMC(Middle Ms) Conf., NMC( North Ms) Conf., SAC(South Al.) Conf.. If I left any Conference in the South out I apologize, but your welcome also . This is a SUPER REGIONAL TOURNAMENT 😂😂and all Conferences are invited. Going to be a beautiful sunny week, Come join in all the fun and fellowship that will be happening this week . Happy hunting and GOD bless to all.