2016 North Carolina State Fox Hunters Association 3 Day Field Trail and Bench Show
2016 North Carolina State Fox Hunters Association
3 Day Field Trial & Bench Show September 21 -September 24, 2016 Headquartered at Low Country Fox Preserve, Manning, SC
National Affiliated and will qualify for Leader board
Entry Fee $70.00 per Hound Membership Fee $20.00
This year’s Field Trail will be a 1 Class HGA and there will be a limit of 300 hounds for this event. To give each person a chance to participate if they desire, we are using the following process.
Starting August 14th at 8:00 AM and ending August 28th at 10:00 PM, anyone wishing to run hounds should call association secretary Craig Nobles at (252) 626-9801 to get their name on a membership list for the 2016 NC State.
Once this period is over, the number of memberships will be divided into 300 and each person will be called back in the order they got their membership. Each person will be offered an amount of entries and pick their numbers for these entries. Possible numbers will be from 1 to 999 since this is a one
class field trial.
Once a person receives their numbers, they have seven days to get their money to the secretary for their full entries and membership. If the money is not received in the allotted time, the entries and hound numbers will be offered to another person in a fair and consistent manner.
This process will leave only one thing for the hunters to do on Wednesday, September 21st when they arrive at the hunt, that is to provide the secretary an entry sheet with their hounds information and the number they are assigning to each hound.
Everything will be done to ensure there are 300 entries for this field trial if at all possible.
Bench Show Wednesday evening Sept. 21st at 7 pm after free welcome meal provided by Richard Evans. Business Meeting and awards Saturday Sept. 24th at the Low Country Fox Preserve.
Master of Hounds: Tommy McLamb, Holly Springs NC.
Assistant Master of Hounds: Ross McLamb, Benson NC.
Bench Show judge: Wayne “Jabo” Hobby Wray GA.
Ring Master Brian: Yancey Dacula GA.
Tony Brewster, NC.
Jerry Cornelius, NC.
Larry Clark, VA.
Tommy Clark, VA.
David Dudley, NC.
Jody Duval, NC.
Bill McGee, NC.
James Moxley, GA.
Jeff Neal, VA.
Wayne Oxendine, SC.
Dale Parker, GA.
Ralph Smith, NC.
Clyde Sutton, NC.
Pete Warren, NC.
Eric Weaver, VA.
Tommy Dail, NC.
Mike Dail, NC.
Butch Baggett, SC.
Wayne Hobby, GA.
Brain Yancey, GA.
Jeff Brinchek, President
2072 Beulahtown Rd,
Kenly, NC 27542
Ph. (919) 631-1694
Email - boogieboo@embarqmail.com