2016 Pee Dee FHA
Bench Show and Field Trial
Low Country Fox Pen (Little Pen)
November 16-19
Manning, South Carolina
National Affiliated
Entry Fee $50 – Membership $25 – Derby and All Age run together, scored separately
Entries will be taken beginning at 2 PM November 16 entries will close at 9 PM. No entries will be taken the day of the hunt
Wednesday, November 16: Supper served at 6 PM
Judges Meeting at 7 PM
Bench Show at 7:30 PM Children’s Handling Class
Master of Hounds: Pete Warren – Assistant Master of Hounds: Clyde Sutton
Bench Show Judge: TBA
4 tons of Dog Food given back to the Derby & All Age Categories and HGA Winners Trophies to the HGA’s winner in Both Classes
$Cash$ Prize to the High Speed and Drive Dog every day in each class and 1st place HGA in both classes. $150 to Highest Speed and Drive Dog in Each Class each day. $250 to 1st Place HGA Derby Hound. $500 to 1st Place HGA All Age Hound
This Hunt will be Limited to 300 entries, 100 entries in the Derby and 200 entries in the All Age. On September 26th at 6pm to October 7th at 9pm anyone needing numbers will call and get their name on the membership list for All Age numbers or Derby numbers or for both All Age and Derby numbers.
After October 7th the number of Derby memberships will be divided into 100 and each person will be called back in the order they called in their membership. The Number of All Age memberships will be divided into 200 and each person will be called back in the order they called in their membership.
Once a Person has received their numbers, They will have 10 Days to send $20 per number that has been reserved. If the money has not been received in the allotted time, the entries and the numbers will be offered to another hunter.
Reserve Numbers by Calling: Stephen Fowler 910-840-1777 beginning September 26th from 6pm to 9PM