Lake Ouachita Fall One Day - Book Opens Aug 5th at 6 pm
The Lake Ouachita/Brandi Noles Memorial one day hunt will be September 9th and 10th at the hunting grounds in Buckville, AR.
Hound entry, bench show, childrens' activities, and auction will be held Friday night and hounds will run Saturday morning. This is an outside hunt with awesome running. Derby and All-age run together but are scored separately.
The book will open Friday night (August 5th) at 6:00 pm to reserve numbers. You may call or text Sue Noles at 501-915-2239. No numbers will be reserved until that time.
If you have questions about the hunt, you can call or text Randy Noles at 501-209-0635 for Johnny Bratton at 501-209-0478.
Re: Lake Ouachita Fall One Day - Book Opens Aug 5th at 6 pm
Talked to Sam, and we decided to have potluck supper, on Friday night, like we used to have. So bring a dish please.
I'm going to be getting the judges, to take that load off Sam, so if you can judge post it on here.