January 8 – 13, 2017 (Running Days: January 10th – 13th)
Old 74 – Hallsboro, NC – First three days (3818 Sam Potts Hwy)
C&M Fox Preserve – Chadbourn, NC – Last day (1270 Dessie Road)
Entry Limited to 250 Hounds
Entry Fee $100.00 per Hound
Membership Fee $25.00
Two Hounds per membership - No Free Entries
Entry Fees and Membership Fee must be paid in advance
Starting Sunday, November 13, 2016 at 6:00 PM
Those interested in running hounds at the U.S.O.
Call Jeff Brinchek at 919-284-1135 to secure membership and one or two entries per membership
Up to three memberships can be secured per call, but all memberships have to be in different names
Members then have 10 days from call to mail full amount of membership and entries to the following address:
Jeff Brinchek
2072 Beulahtown Road
Kenly, NC 27542
No numbers will be given out prior to 8AM, January 8th
Members will draw numbers and provide entry form once at event
Registration at Old 74 - Hallsboro, NC
Sunday, January 8th (8AM – 4PM) and Monday, January 9th (8AM – 12 Noon)
Banquet & U.S.O. Membership Meeting at Old 74: Monday, January 9th at 6:00 PM
Banquet sponsored by Hunters Horn and Terry Walker
Free Meal from Old 74 for hunters and judges at Old 74: Thursday, January 12th at 6:00 PM
High Speed and Drive Hound each day will receive a new Garmin Alpha Collar
Master of Hounds: Clyde Sutton – Kinston, NC
Assistant Masters: Dave Wride – Rochester, NY & Pete Warren – Grifton, NC
Home Plate Judge – Charlie Boyd – Lewisburg, Tenn
Motel: Econolodge – 503 North JK Powell Blvd - Whiteville, NC 28472
For reservations call 910-642-2378 (Ask for Fox Hunters Rates)
Camper spaces available at Old 74 (Ray Casteen at 910-515-4346)
Or C&M Fox Preserve (Lonnie Ward at 910-234-0669)
Distances: 10 miles from motel to each preserve / 20 miles from Old 74 to C&M Fox Preserve
Lamar Blalock, President
704-985-4871 (cell)
Jeff Brinchek, Sec/Treas
919-284-1135 (home)
Email: boogieboo@embarqmail.com
The nationals use to have a rule that hunts could not be limited but it was changed a few years back because some state laws were limiting hounds per acre in pens plus the national realized the only way smaller pens could have three days was to allow limiting
This will not be a money payback hunt - one thing you need to realize is the $100 per Hound is for the fact over half of this goes to the pen owners so the uso does not have $100 per Hound to work with - probably more like $40 per Hound to work with - President Blalock and I have discussed if we are too the good the week of the hunt we may look at adding prizes to the winners - our first time trying this so we are not making any promises
Thanks for the questions and hope to see you there
I'm in favor of high pen fees and we always get a good fee at our pen but $60 seems steep even for a 4 day hunt. I would assume the last day pen is only charging for the dogs cast that day and offered a reasonable fee since the dogs will be 3 days tired already. I would think $35 per is a fair price for the first 3 days. I could be wrong. It will be an amazing experience for the ones that attend so it's probably worth it no matter the cost. Probably set some all time scoring records for the USO.