Christian Foxhunters Assoc. is stocking a trailer for Flood Victims
We got a couple people from our church, going to bring big horse trailer to our Buckville area for us to stock. Water, can goods, non perishable items, blankets, clothing. If u would like to help us, contact me at 501-209-0478 call or text. We will be stocking this week and next. Thanks!
Re: Christian Foxhunters Assoc. is stocking a trailer for Flood Victims
The trailer want be there, but we are storing stuff at our church at Mt Tabor. We need toilet paper, tooth paste and brushes, school stuff for kids, gloves, shovels, rakes, ect. Things we take for granted they need. Then the trailer will pick it up and go with it. Three of our church people will be there tonight, we can haul some of it back Sat. These Items was report I received back. Besides the other stuff above.
Re: Christian Foxhunters Assoc. is stocking a trailer for Flood Victims
We been receiving stuff, thanks to all who donated. If you haven't and want to donate, we will be taking stuff til Sept 25th, that's the day the trailer will leave to go to La.
Re: Christian Foxhunters Assoc. is stocking a trailer for Flood Victims
Sept 24th last day to pickup we leaving with trailer 25th.Need Bleach, spray cleaners, rags, brooms, shovels, rakes, gloves, package snacks, ziplock bags, trash bags, buckets, as well other stuff above.