
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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Ogeechee River 1 Day

We will be having our annual 1 Day hunt September 23-24, 2016 at the United Fox Pen in Swainsboro Ga. The bench show will be Friday at 7:30 pm. We will cast at daylight, Saturday the 24th. This will be an All Age and Derby hunt, run together, scored seperate. It will be run under National rules, and will be an HGA hunt. We will have 3000lbs of dog feed to give away to the Derby and All Age categories and top 10 HGA. We will have a raffle Saturday before we give out the awards. With all the rain we getting right now it should be some good running. If you haven't got your numbers call Jake Patrick at 912-728-3411. Still had a few 2 digits left Tuesday night at our meeting. If I can help you in any way, give me a call. Look forward to seeing you there.

God Bless

Re: Ogeechee River 1 Day


Re: Ogeechee River 1 Day

Need to make a correction. We will be giving away 6000lbs of dog feed to the winners. Make your plans to be there. Call Jake Patrick for numbers at 912-728-3411.
God Bless

Re: Ogeechee River 1 Day

How much entry fee

Re: Ogeechee River 1 Day

I heard 35

Re: Ogeechee River 1 Day

Entry fee is $35. Membership is $10.